Island County recently issued the following announcement.
Date: March 22, 2022
Time: 02:00 AM
Location (Unless otherwise noted): Board of County Commissioners Hearing Room (Room 102B Basement), Island County Annex Bldg., 1 NE 6th Street, Coupeville, WA . Persons requiring auxiliary aids/services should call Island County Human Resources at 679-7372, 629-4522, Ext. 7372, or 321-5111, Ext. 7372 (use whichever number is applicable for the area) at least 24 hours prior to the meeting for assistance.
Agendas become available by no later than noon the Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting and are available Here.
Meetings are Videotaped and recordings are posted alongside the annotated agendas reflecting action as soon as possible following the meetings. If you have any difficulty accessing the agendas or video recordings please contact Virginia Shaddy, Clerk of the Board, by calling (360) 679-7354.
In adherence to the Governor's Proclamation 20-28, et seq. and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402 the Island County Board of Commissioners is providing options for meeting participation. Masks are required as mandated by the Secretary State's Order 20-03.4.
Staff and the public may join the meeting by using the following options:
To attend telephonically, you may access the meeting by dialing:
1-669-800-5335 and entering meeting ID number 491 987 8603
To attend by way of video, you may access the meeting via StarLeaf:
Please Ctrl+Click to follow the link.
Original source can be found here.