"The bipartisan omnibus spending package invests $138 million in SBDCs like @wsbdc to enable local small businesses & entrepreneurs to recover, create jobs & drive economic growth. #SBDCDay @WWU_SBDC @EconAllianceSC @ASBDC larsen.house.gov/news/documents"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Rick Larsen:
"In 2021, @wsbdc advisors like those in #Everett, #Coupeville, #Mount Vernon & #Bellingham helped 1,100+ small businesses statewide obtain $37+ million in pandemic relief & create & save 2,855 jobs. #SBDCDay twitter.com/wsbdc/status/1"Read on Twitter
"Since March 2020, there have been 11,000+ reported incidents of anti-Asian hate in WA & the U.S. I stood w/@RepGraceMeng, @maziehirono & @CAPAC to support legislation to #StopAsianHate, & I will cont to stand w/anyone who will denounce & work against racism, bigotry & xenophobia. twitter.com/CAPAC/status/1"Read on Twitter
"The scene in the Capitol Visitor Center Auditorium before the #VolodymyrZelensky address to members of Congress @ukrassociation @MFA_Ukraine @natopapress @USNATO @EverettHerald @BhamHerald @goskagit @WhidbeyNews @WhidbeyRecord @CascadiaDaily"Read on Twitter