"Democrats win the Congressional Soccer Match, 5-3! #CSM22"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Rick Larsen:
"Tonight is the annual @ussoccer Congressional Soccer Match. As a co-chair of the bipartisan Soccer Caucus, I am working to Ensure all kids have access to play soccerEnsure fans can safely enjoy the '22 World CupBring the '26 World Cup to WAthehill.com/blogs/in-the-k" on April 27Read on Twitter
"Today is #YomHaShoah, a solemn day to remember the six million Jewish victims & millions of other victims of the Holocaust. I will continue to stand united with all who denounce & work against antisemitism in the Pacific Northwest & around the world. #HolocaustRemembranceDay twitter.com/KING5Seattle/s" on April 27Read on Twitter
"To prepare for air taxis & other sustainable eVTOL concepts, communities must begin planning now.I introduced a bipartisan bill w/@RepGarretGraves, @repdinatitus & @RepBalderson to provide communities with funding to develop plans to operate these vehicles safely & efficiently. twitter.com/USDOT/status/1" on April 27Read on Twitter