OPALCO Work on Warbass Way starting Monday, June 27!
Street Closure and Traffic Impacts
OPALCO will be replacing utility poles on Warbass Way. The work began on Friday, June 24, will cease for the weekend, and will resume on Monday, June 27.
The work will be done from approximately 6:30am – 5:00pm Monday-Thursday. No work will occur on Fridays or weekends. OPALCO expects the work to take approximately two weeks to complete.
This work will require full closure of Warbass Way at the point of the contractor’s work zone, which means Warbass Way will be open to local traffic only; flaggers will be on-site directing local traffic. Warbass Way will be entirely closed to through traffic.
Those coming into Town via Turn Point Road will be routed up Harrison Street, which will become a two-way street for its entire length. Drivers are urged to use extreme caution while traveling on Harrison Street and Turn Point Road where they intersect since this is a revised traffic pattern.
Pedestrians are asked not to walk on Warbass Way during the utility work hours and to use extreme caution while walking on Harrison Street.
Questions on this traffic revision may be directed to the Town Public Works Director Jesse Douglas-Seitz at (360) 378-2154 or jesseds@fridayharbor.org.