Rick Larsen tweeted the following:
"At todays @TransportDems hearing, I asked @ComdtUSCG about @USCG retention of women & underrepresented minorities Meeting military families housing needs @USCGPacificNWs plans for recapitalization at Pier 46 in Seattle"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Rick Larsen:
"Southern Resident Killer Whales belong in Puget Sound, not in captivity.To prohibit future capture & breeding of SRKWs & other whale species for public display, I support the #SWIMSAct.: @NOAA"Read on Twitter
"Thanks to the bipartisan infrastructure law, @FTA_DOT announced it is investing $1.75 billion over the next five years to make it easier for all people to safely access the nation's rail transportation systems.Hear how this investment helps keep people & the economy moving" on July 26Read on Twitter
"In the U.S., 34% of carbon pollution comes from the transportation sector. 83% of those emissions come from roads. I joined 50+ @HouseDemocrats in sending a letter to @SecretaryPete in support of a @USDOT proposal to track & reduce carbon emissions on the nations highways. twitter.com/TransportDems/" on July 26Read on Twitter